Never Forgotten ~ The Affects of Bitterness
I was reading my devotions about the story of Joseph. Most everyone has heard 'The Coat of Many Colors' story at least once in their life time. It is about Joseph, a kid who is from an extremely disfunctional family. He ended up being sold into slavery by his own kin. Long story short he becomes the second in command over Egypt. Whenever I read this story I always put myself in the shoes of Joseph. What was it like to be betrayed like Joseph? Would I be able to follow God like Joseph did? I never have asked the questions, why did Josephs brothers do what they did? This post I would like to dive into the minds of the ten brothers.
So lets put ourselves in the situation of these brothers. They were the sons of the wife their father wasn't very fond of. When their younger brother was born their fathers entire attention went to that little kid. These men were second class citizens to their brother. I don't know about you but if one of my siblings was treated literally like a king I would be upset. The brothers put up with this for many years. There were even times when Joseph went up and told them about a dream where they worshiped him. Any human being who was told by their younger sibling that they would end up worshiping them would be at least irritated, if not accidentally face high five them.
After years and years of this behavior the brothers became bitter. They hated Joseph. We look at these men like they are evil people, but in reality we all might succumb to the same feelings they had for Joseph as well.
When reading this passage I began to focus on the fact that Josephs brothers were NOT bad men. They grew up with the same laws as Joseph, they were men who worked hard and had families. Their problem was that they got caught up in their own hatred.
When we hate someone we honestly don't care about those around us who we are hurting by our emotions. I have seen bitterness force loved ones away and their words slowly spitting venom on anyone they talk to. (which definitely is not a good testimony for God) Lets be realistic, when I am bitter all I care about is myself. This is how bitterness affect only the bitter person, and the outcome is quite terrifying.
Looking at Joseph's brothers they were only focused on Joseph all the time. Wherever they went they used that time to talk about Joseph. Can't you imagine how much complaining they did to each other about their little brother? It didn't matter who they told their story to, they just wanted to get their view across that Joseph was a despicable human being. When we complain about others we are doing something which God says we are not to do. I know if I am upset with someone I tend to focus so much time and energy on that individual, and I don't even have any control over their actions. How often do we go around discussing someone who has wronged us. Yes, they may have done something against us and everything that we are saying may be true, but really is that worthwhile? We are called to love, even those who have wronged us. Is talking bad about someone really showing them the love of Christ?
Talking to others about how someone has wronged us is probably the number one cause for strife in the church. I know I personally have fallen into to this sin. I go around saying this person hurt me so I must go get counsel from my friend, or we must pray for this person who is a horrible Christian. Really? Does that sound God honoring and holy? Christians, when we sit and talk about other peoples sin, even if it is true, all we are doing is tearing down the church. We aren't showing Christ when we talk about others, we are just inviting Satan to come to church with us.
Bitterness and hatred to someone also sucks out all the joy in your life. When you stop giving thanks to God you lose focus on what truly matters in your life. If one person does do you wrong is your life really that horrible? Jesus was hated by most everyone and those who did love him betrayed him. Bad things happen to us but really it cannot out weigh all the blessings that God has given you. When we are bitter about a situation or person we are really saying that we don't trust God for what He is doing in our life.
Bitterness can ruin your life. Do you really think that Joseph's brothers knew the guilt and shame they would feel the twenty plus years because of their actions? Hate causes even good people to do things they normally wouldn't do. Honestly if anyone of us were in their situation we would be tempted to do the same thing. When we allow bitterness to control our attitude and thoughts it begins to control our actions. When your actions are controlled by hatred nothing good can come from it. Lately I have being looking at my own life and have been evaluating if my actions are controlled by hate or spite for someone else. As Christians we are to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, not by our emotions or feelings.
These are just some ways the bitterness tore up Josephs brothers. As a human I know that I have struggled with bitterness in my life. God can't use me when I am holding onto something. Why do we struggle with bitterness? I believe the number one reason that I struggle with bitterness is pride. I was hurt, someone dared to say that to me. How dare someone question my opinion? We tend to think we are really so much better than what we are. I have found myself angry at someone for doing wrong to me when I in turn am doing the same thing to another person. Sorry to break it to everyone but the world doesn't revolve around me or you. It revolves around Christ. When something happens to us that is unfair it shouldn't matter because our life should be about Christ.
Another reason to get bitter is because someone has hurt you and you did nothing wrong and did nothing to deserve it. God cares, and He cries with you in your pain. That pain that you feel though, God is willing to carry it. He wants to heal your scares, He wants to be there for you and to become your protector and friend. You just need to run to Him with your pain. God doesn't want you to hurt, bad things happen because we are all sinners and their are many who choose not to live by the way God called them to live. Thus they hurt others; not caring at all for the pain others feel. The more you hold on to your hatred towards a person the more that person has a hold in your life. Jesus was crucified by men and He forgave them. He can give you the grace to forgive those who have wronged you and He has the power to be able to heal the deepest of wounds you have.
Looking back to Josephs brothers, they ended up asking forgiveness from their brother. How many years though did they waste with their hate? We all need to evaluate our lives and see if we are bitter in any way. If we are bitter God can't use us. No matter what ministry we put ourselves in or the number of times you give money to the homeless man, those are just good deeds that eternally have nothing and are not backed by the power of Christ. God has a plan for our life, but if anyone is bitter and hating others or God they just become stuck in a situation. As Christians we need to let God do and we need to let go. Bitterness hurts those around you, but really bitterness sucks the life out of the bitter person, and bitterness becomes their new identity.
After years and years of this behavior the brothers became bitter. They hated Joseph. We look at these men like they are evil people, but in reality we all might succumb to the same feelings they had for Joseph as well.
When reading this passage I began to focus on the fact that Josephs brothers were NOT bad men. They grew up with the same laws as Joseph, they were men who worked hard and had families. Their problem was that they got caught up in their own hatred.
When we hate someone we honestly don't care about those around us who we are hurting by our emotions. I have seen bitterness force loved ones away and their words slowly spitting venom on anyone they talk to. (which definitely is not a good testimony for God) Lets be realistic, when I am bitter all I care about is myself. This is how bitterness affect only the bitter person, and the outcome is quite terrifying.
Looking at Joseph's brothers they were only focused on Joseph all the time. Wherever they went they used that time to talk about Joseph. Can't you imagine how much complaining they did to each other about their little brother? It didn't matter who they told their story to, they just wanted to get their view across that Joseph was a despicable human being. When we complain about others we are doing something which God says we are not to do. I know if I am upset with someone I tend to focus so much time and energy on that individual, and I don't even have any control over their actions. How often do we go around discussing someone who has wronged us. Yes, they may have done something against us and everything that we are saying may be true, but really is that worthwhile? We are called to love, even those who have wronged us. Is talking bad about someone really showing them the love of Christ?

Bitterness and hatred to someone also sucks out all the joy in your life. When you stop giving thanks to God you lose focus on what truly matters in your life. If one person does do you wrong is your life really that horrible? Jesus was hated by most everyone and those who did love him betrayed him. Bad things happen to us but really it cannot out weigh all the blessings that God has given you. When we are bitter about a situation or person we are really saying that we don't trust God for what He is doing in our life.
Bitterness can ruin your life. Do you really think that Joseph's brothers knew the guilt and shame they would feel the twenty plus years because of their actions? Hate causes even good people to do things they normally wouldn't do. Honestly if anyone of us were in their situation we would be tempted to do the same thing. When we allow bitterness to control our attitude and thoughts it begins to control our actions. When your actions are controlled by hatred nothing good can come from it. Lately I have being looking at my own life and have been evaluating if my actions are controlled by hate or spite for someone else. As Christians we are to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, not by our emotions or feelings.

Another reason to get bitter is because someone has hurt you and you did nothing wrong and did nothing to deserve it. God cares, and He cries with you in your pain. That pain that you feel though, God is willing to carry it. He wants to heal your scares, He wants to be there for you and to become your protector and friend. You just need to run to Him with your pain. God doesn't want you to hurt, bad things happen because we are all sinners and their are many who choose not to live by the way God called them to live. Thus they hurt others; not caring at all for the pain others feel. The more you hold on to your hatred towards a person the more that person has a hold in your life. Jesus was crucified by men and He forgave them. He can give you the grace to forgive those who have wronged you and He has the power to be able to heal the deepest of wounds you have.
Looking back to Josephs brothers, they ended up asking forgiveness from their brother. How many years though did they waste with their hate? We all need to evaluate our lives and see if we are bitter in any way. If we are bitter God can't use us. No matter what ministry we put ourselves in or the number of times you give money to the homeless man, those are just good deeds that eternally have nothing and are not backed by the power of Christ. God has a plan for our life, but if anyone is bitter and hating others or God they just become stuck in a situation. As Christians we need to let God do and we need to let go. Bitterness hurts those around you, but really bitterness sucks the life out of the bitter person, and bitterness becomes their new identity.
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