Day to Day
Lately I have found myself in a rut. I do my daily tasks, nothing major just get up and eat, do my Bible, do some choirs, go to work, then go to bed. There is nothing exciting or thrilling about my day. Yes, there are differences in each day, with different challenges, but for the most part my days are boring and uneventful.
I was sitting and thinking about this. My life seems like a waste right now. I am not doing anything ministry related or anything 'note worthy' for the Lord. I help out with my church but it isn't all the time. Why would God have me be in a position where all I am doing is mundane activities day after day?
These have been my thoughts lately, not exactly God honoring thoughts, but my thoughts none the less. I don't know about you, but when my life starts to get 'unexciting' I question Gods purpose in it. I want to do great things for the Lord like Moses! I want to be a Esther confronting the king! However, looking into their lives you see that yes, they did great things, but what led up to those great things they accomplished? They didn't take a magic pill and poof became super Christian.
Another question to ask is what are we doing in between the 'great' things that we do? As a Christian, if our purpose is to do great things, what is the purpose of the days, weeks, or months of time that lapses before something major happens? I hate to break it to you ladies, but we all aren't going to be in full time ministry. God has a specific place for each of us. We need to figure out why the Lord has us in the position that we are in now. Whether it is teen, college student, or mother, God has us do each task every day, for a reason. So what is our purpose for just a 'normal' day ?
I would like to share something the Lord showed me. My pastor mentioned this briefly but it is really starting to sink in, everything we do can be an act of worship. Wow! Really stop and think about it. Getting out of bed can be an act of worship? Absolutely! God even talks about the little things in life can be used to glorify Him.
1 Corinthians 10:31"3Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
That is so amazing, that even something as simply as eating can be used to glorify God. The purpose of having a 'boring' or uneventful time in life is to see if we are willing to glorify God in our day to day activities. God is seeing if we are going to give Him praise when nothing is really happening in our life.

The purpose in the down times in life is to teach us to make every action we do to glorify the Lord. No matter what we are doing we should do it for Him. If we decide and purpose in our hearts to do everything for His glory that gives us a reason for every task, whether it is boring or not!
Ladies this should excite us! Washing the dishes or studying your school can and should be done to worship the Lord not just to check it off the list. All of the duties that we have God specifically placed in our lives for a reason. We as Christians now need to apply it in our life.
My life and your life should be characterized by a life that wants to serve the Lord. Our life a has purpose! We need to live like it!
These are just the thoughts that I have been meditating on. My tasks today are not a waste, they are there for the purpose of glorifying God. My life now is just as important in the little day to day tasks as the exciting or 'important' ones. I just want to encourage you that if you are in a rut to keep plugging along and doing everything for the Lord.
Glorify Him is the greatest calling that any Christian can have. God doesn't care what we are doing, He cares about how we are doing it. I want to challenge you as I challenge myself, to look at your life and see what you are doing and if your purpose is to glorify God. Everything is for a reason, so lets go out and live like it!

Begin this day with a purpose, stop questioning what you do.
Each morning when you wake, remember He made this day for you!
Each day is different, with new problems and new chores,
But all have a reason to be and the reason is to glorify your Lord.
God wants to see if you will bow the knee, if you live for Him alone
So stop checking off your to do list; stop living for yourself
Start seeking Him in every hour; stop putting God on the shelf
Start living for Him in every task, yes in everything you do
Soon will you find that your mundane world has meaning and reason for what you do.
~Hanna D
Wow! Great thoughts! I have been thinking about the same things lately. It is easy to think God can't use me now, but He wants me to glorify Him in the little tasks! My relationship with Him is what is important, not what I can do for Him.
ReplyDeleteGod is so faithful to allow us the privilege of learning to glorify him in all areas of our life. Cherish these "mundane" times and use them to build your relationship with your Heavenly Father. It blesses me to see young single ladies desiring to serve The Lord. Don't waste this precious time in your life by being discontent with your current situation. Soon enough, your life will be a whirlwind and you won't even remember if you have completed task a or task b. Trial after trial will build up and your faith will be tested daily. You will look back and wish your life was a little "boring" at least for a few minutes. And you will prevail! Why? You are taking the time to build the most important relationship in your life and that will make you a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, fill in the blank. This quiet time in your life is an advantage that you must run with-straight to the arms of your Lord and Savior! I'm so thankful The Lord was long suffering with me and saved me after I was already a mother and a wife and a mother again. I am victorious because of Him! How much more victorious could I be if I was saved and building a relationship with The Lord as a young single lady?!