
Showing posts from 2015

Trashin the Checklist

Where is your treasure? I recently was reading in my devotions about how a rich man told Jesus he was ready to make it into heaven because he was a good man. Jesus then went through the law and he said "Master I have done everything in the law, I have kept all of the commandments." Jesus told the man, "If you have done all this, then sell everything that you have and follow me." The man went away depressed because he was a rich man and had many things. Most of us have heard this story, I have hundreds of times, but the truth in this situation really sheds light on the human heart. How often am I doing right on the outside? I cross all my 'T's' and dot all my 'I's', but truly my heart isn't the Lords. This man was rich, he probably had a great education, I am sure he tithed, he kept the Sabbath and he flat out said that he always honored his parents. (which means he was lying, really who on earth has never talked back or been disrespectf

How to make your Dress more Casual

Ever have a really cute dress that you love to wear but it is to fancy to wear at other times? How about a dress that doesn't really fit in with the season?  Here are some ideas of what I do to dress down an outfit! First I want to say that as Christian women who should strive to have clothing that draws attention to our face.That is not saying we can't wear cute clothes, or clothes that make us look more attractive, but the whole reason to wear clothing is to glorify God. If you are wearing something to draw the wrong attention from guys or you are wearing something that is just bringing glory to yourself, one should rethink wearing that particular outfit. When I was in my teens I remember that I felt like my self worth was based on how put together I was or how I looked. In later years I have realized that yes the Lord cares how I dress, but my entire life should not be focused on that. My self worth has nothing to do with my clothes or makeup. I am worthy because Christ ma