One Room Hut and Happy

It is the Thanksgiving week. In a America we take this time to remember what we have and how blessed we truly are. Mentally I know this fact, that I am rich compared to the worlds population. That I have so much stuff, friends, family, freedom; there is not much else I could ask for. How often do I though? How often do I look at others possessions or positions in life and want them? This past week I was reminded of my trip to Africa. I went to this little village in the bush of Cameroon. If you looked around you would see mud huts. Children running around in clothes not gender specific, they just wore what they could find. Their water was drawn from a stream which was not filtered, causing disease to take many of the villagers. Animals lived with the people, and there was no plumbing or electricity. The days were extremely hot, but the nights bitter cold and they didn't have the proper provisions. Yet these people scurried out of their one room huts to see the foreigners. They ha...