Day to Day

Lately I have found myself in a rut. I do my daily tasks, nothing major just get up and eat, do my Bible, do some choirs, go to work, then go to bed. There is nothing exciting or thrilling about my day. Yes, there are differences in each day, with different challenges, but for the most part my days are boring and uneventful. I was sitting and thinking about this. My life seems like a waste right now. I am not doing anything ministry related or anything 'note worthy' for the Lord. I help out with my church but it isn't all the time. Why would God have me be in a position where all I am doing is mundane activities day after day? These have been my thoughts lately, not exactly God honoring thoughts, but my thoughts none the less. I don't know about you, but when my life starts to get 'unexciting' I question Gods purpose in it. I want to do great things for the Lord like Moses! I want to be a Esther confronting the king! However, looking into their lives you se...